Optimum Guitar School

Welcome to take guitar lessons in Linköping or Norrköping!

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays in Norrköping and on Mondays in Linköping. You learn how to play chords and melodies from the beginning. With a good technique from the start so you
get the ability to play the music of your choice.

Optimum Guitar School is open for students of all ages. You can sign up as a beginner or as an experienced player who wants to develop their skills.

Sign up for individual lessons, group lessons or pair lessons.
Use the form below to sign up or for further inquiries.

Prices per 12 lessons during one semester:

Group lessons:
45 minutes x 12: 1650 kronor

Individual lessons:
20 minutes x 12: 2280 kronor 
30 minutes x 12: 3360 kronor
45 minutes x 12: 4950 kronor
60 minutes x 12: 6100 kronor

Pair lessons:
45 minutes x 12: 2475 kronor/student
60 minutes x 12: 3100 kronor/student

Choose either of these options:

Choose either of these options: